Herbal Potions for Every Life Moment

Soothe Sprayer is our 2oz topical spray which was designed for immediate joint and muscle relief. Using traditional herbal medicine making methods and sourcing cannabis grown sustainably on small farms here in Northern CA, we combine anti-inflammatory cannabis extract with locally and organically grown herbs like peppermint, which provides soothing relief and increased blood flow and absorption from the treated area.

Our CBD rich tonic is made with FRESH plant material, cold processed in organic cane alcohol using traditional medicine making methods with a tasty, natural, makrut lime leaf flavor. CBD is the most anti-inflammatory, and analgesic of cannabinoids. Also good for anxiety, many find the relaxing qualities quite helpful, without the high. Appropriate for daytime use and helpful as an evening tonic; we predict it will be one of your favorite rituals!
Cannabinoids Present: CBD and CBDa. CBCa, CBG, CBGa, and a little THC (.09%), and CBDV. Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene, Limonene, and Caryophyllene.

Combining the euphoria of cannabis, the energetic uplift of yerba mate and the delightful, mood enhancing effect of fine chocolate, this sweet tonic is like a 'Disco Fiesta' in a bottle! With real, hand-crafted blood orange & cacao flavors, skullcap, cacao, & yerba mate simples with a full-THC infusion for a soaring uplift.

Hops, and cannabis have both been used to gently bring on sleep for centuries, if one is having trouble falling asleep. The passionflower has a proven anti-anxiety and calming effect that will help one stay asleep. A very popular formulation that really works!

PhytoMagic blends are plant-based and utilize all-natural and organic ingredients, blended and infused with the best intentions. Our production room uses both crystals and beakers, moon charts and Bunsen burners. With PhytoMagic you are getting the best both science and spirit have to offer. Experience magic the way it was always intended to be performed: Scientifically!
Each of our tonics is a specially formulated blend of herbal tinctures infused with flavorful glycerites to make them into delicious medicines. We use organically grown herbs, fruits, spices, cane alcohol, and food grade glycerin.
How to Tincture
Shake it up. Fill dropper to desired amount, common dose ranges from 5 drops to 1 ml (marked on the dropper). Place under tongue for fastest results. That warm tingle means it's working.
You should begin to feel the effects within 5-10 minutes, with the duration between 1-4 hours depending on your metabolism, what you ate previously, and your mood at the time of taking. Alternatively, you can put some in your favorite beverage and enjoy that way!
For first time PhytoMagicians, we recommend using 1/4-1/2 mL to start. That is like 5 to 10 drops. Wait for at least an hours to see how it affects you before you consider taking any additional tonic. Remember: you can always take more but you can never take less! If you feel overwhelmed by the cannabis effects, don't panic. Cozy up with some tasty treats and a glass of water and you'll soon feel fine.
Historical Brand Conversions
If you're familiar with the original brand names of these fantastic tinctures, once proudly offered as Lumen Naturae and Granny Jane's, here's a handy chart to identify which PhytoMagic product you're looking for:
What was Daytime Anxiety is now:
Serenity Now Day
What was Nighttime Anxiety is now:
Serenity Now Night
What was Deep Sleep is now:
Sleep Spell
What was Brain Tonic is now:
Think Fast
What was Nausea is now:
Gut Feeling
What was Disco Fiesta is now:
High Spirits